ITL Partner: International Insurance Society
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ITL Partner: International Insurance Society

IIS serves as the inclusive voice of the industry, providing a platform for both private and public stakeholders to promote resilience, drive innovation, and stimulate the development of markets. The IIS membership is diverse and inclusive, with members hailing from mature and emerging markets representing all sectors of the re/insurance industry, academics, regulators and policymakers. As a non-advocative organization, the IIS serves as a neutral platform for active collaboration and examination of issues that shape the future of the global insurance industry. Its signature annual event, the Global Insurance Forum, is considered the premier industry conference and is attended by 500+ insurance leaders from around the globe.

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Trusting Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Healthcare

David Piesse, CRO, Cymar; IIS Executive Insights Cyber Expert

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Discover how causal AI can enhance healthcare decision making and trustworthiness by addressing biases and ethical concerns.

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The Dual Role of Artificial Intelligence in Disability Insurance: A boon and a bane

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The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed a wide range of industries, including the insurance sector. While AI has brought numerous benefits, it also poses potential risks, especially in the realm of fraud. Rea more in this report from RGA

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2024 Global Priorities Survey: Explore the Top Concerns Facing Insurers


What concerns are shaping the strategic vision of insurance executives around the world? Inflation, cybersecurity, political instability, and climate change are top of mind.

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A Shield from the Storm: 3 steps to help insurance companies weather the coming labor crunch

Arthur Ozeki, Executive Vice President, Head of Asia Pacific, Reinsurance Group of America, RGA, 

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The insurance industry faces a labor shortage, with 400,000 U.S. workers expected to retire by 2026. Learn how companies can prepare to ensure they can attract top talent in a highly competitive talent landscape. 

Read Arthur Ozeki’s article

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