Giving the Gift of Books on Risk Management

As we enter the gift-giving season, here are five books to consider as gifts for yourself, your team or a friend with a passion for risk management.

As we near the gift-giving season, here are some books on risk management you might consider as gifts for yourself, your team or a friend with a passion for risk management. First, here are two from one of the gurus of risk management. Felix Kloman styles himself “a long-time student of the discipline of risk management” despite being a risk management practitioner, author and thought leader for the best part of half a century. If you are interested in the views of this sage and especially the development of risk management over time, you might want to look at these (both are available in paperback and for the Kindle): John Fraser has co-written two massive tomes, each a collection of contributions by highly regarded risk management practitioners and academics (including Felix). They are full of useful information with chapters such as "Enterprise Risk Management: An Introduction and Overview"; "ERM and Its Role in Strategic Planning"; and "How to Plan and Run a Risk Management Workshop." The books are: Finally, Paul Sobel has made a contribution that merits consideration, especially by internal auditors. Paul brings an excellent mind to the topic, even though he may not have the many years’ experience that Felix (in particular) and John possess. Have you read any of these books? I would like to know what you think of them. I am also interested in whether there are other books on risk management you would recommend. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a controversial author and holds views that I don’t fully endorse, so I am not recommending him here.)

Norman Marks

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Norman Marks

Norman Marks has spent more than a decade as a chief audit executive (CAE) for major companies, with as much as $28 billion in annual revenue. He has implemented risk management, ethics programs and disclosure processes at multiple organizations.


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