Three Steps to Sneak Past Gatekeepers Using – Of All Things – YouTube

Because the one-to-many approach is so easy, very few advisors use a one-to-one approach to video marketing. However, there is a stealth way you can do this for free and open up doors that used to be closed.

If you’re targeting prime prospects who

  • don’t reply to your emails
  • don’t return your calls
  • or screen you through gatekeepers

Try this little-known YouTube strategy.

Imagine getting a video where someone says YOUR name in it?

 “John, I recorded this short video for you because I think I can help you…”

It’s a powerful connection builder.

Because the one-to-many approach is so easy, very few advisors use a one-to-one approach to video marketing.

However, there is a stealth way you can do this for free and open up doors that used to be closed.

Step 1: Record a video using YouTube’s “Webcam record” feature.

This will allow you to record a quick video without all the equipment and lighting. You’ll get an instant link you can copy and paste into your email.


Step 2: Give away something that will help make prospects’ lives easier.

Don’t just ask for an appointment; give them something to prove you’re an expert.

Separate yourself from the herd by sharing a secret, strategy or technique that will help them with their current insurance situation.

Use a script like this:

“Hi, Lawrence, I’ve recorded this short video because I’m helping CEOs like you in Dallas lower their risk and protect their employees.

“I’m sure your insurance advisor is great. However, there’s a little-known strategy most don’t use to help software companies like yours because it’s just too complex.

“I’ve been using it for seven years and implemented it with 28 other software companies like yours with great results.

“It’s all in my special report [Hold up a copy for them to see] called “The Five Most Critical Trends Facing Software Companies, and How to Protect Yourself from Them.”

“Just reply to this email, and I’ll send it to you, or click on the link to get access to my calendar, and I’ll review it with you over a 15-minute conversation to see if you qualify.”


Step 3: Add a link to your online calendar to take the next step.

Sign up for a tool like Timetrade, which allows you to publish an online calendar you control. Others can sign up to be on your calendar, and it automatically populates into Outlook or Gmail. Paste that link into your email.


Step 4: Send a short email.

Remember, your ONLY goal is to get them to watch the video. Don’t waste time.

Use this format:

[subject line] Lawrence


I’ve been trying to reach you without success. So I recorded this short video for you.

[video link]

My calendar: [link]


[your name]

At first, you’ll take a bit longer to get it all set up, but once you do you’ll be able to get each email/video done in nine minutes or less.

Remember, be yourself in your video – everyone else is already taken wink

Ok, let’s recap:

Step 1 – Record a short video via YouTube.

Step 2 – Give away something of value that helps your prospects.

Step 3 – Set up your online calendar for easy scheduling.

Step 4 – Write and send the email.

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