December ITL Focus: Workers' Comp

ITL FOCUS is a monthly initiative featuring topics related to innovation in risk management and insurance.

This month's focus, sponsored by ICW Group, is Workers' Comp.

workers comp itl focus


It's a wonderful thing when incentives line up, and they are in the world of workers' comp. Workers, employers and insurers all have reasons to make the workplace safer, preventing injuries to employees while generating savings for employers and their insurers.

That's why, at a time when rates are rising, often rapidly, in so many insurance lines, premiums for workers' comp have been trending downward for years. There is room for much more progress, too, as various technologies kick in. 

For instance, cameras can spot dangers, such as water spills, in a factory and alert someone to mop it up before anyone trips and falls and gets injured. Cameras can also spot near-misses, tipping off a manager that a process is dangerous so they can warn employees and change how things are done, before someone gets, say, a hand caught in a machine. Workers can wear devices that monitor their movements and make sure they aren't creating stresses that could injure them. There are even exoskeletons that can assist workers, for instance in lifting heavy boxes. 

In this month's interview, Paul Zamora, senior vice president for workers' compensation at ICW Group, runs through a whole variety of opportunities that lie ahead for carriers, employers and workers. I hope you'll give it a read.

I think workers' comp can lead the way as insurance moves beyond its traditional repair-and-replace approach to a Predict & Prevent business model that draws on the industry's vast data and extraordinary expertise to prevent problems from happening in the first place.


In this month's FOCUS on Workers' Comp, Paul Zamora, senior vice president at ICW Group, delves into the evolving landscape of workers' comp insurance. Zamora discusses safety innovation and technology's role in claims reduction. He also touches on rate trends and customer strategies, providing insights into the evolving insurance scene.

Read the Full Interview

"The number one thing is making sure we're helping our customers have positive long-term results. So how do we make sure of that? How do we make sure they're safer and they’re paying the lowest amount of premium possible because they have safe operations. That they're not losing employees because they're injured?"

— Paul Zamora
Read the Full Interview



'Scalable Compassion' in Workers’ Comp

As much as claims representatives want to help individuals, there has been no feasible way to provide compassion at scale.

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Rethinking Provider Networks in Work Comp

Companies with custom physician provider networks experience 50% shorter treatment duration, 60% lower average medical expense and 35% shorter claim duration.

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Absence Management: Work Comp's Future?

As workers' comp claims dwindle, providers should offer "absence management" -- handling loss of work time for any reason, not just injury.

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Why to Self-Fund Workers' Comp

While companies assume more risk, they get significantly more control over coverage, claims management and associated costs.

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Identifying Fraud in Workers’ Comp

One of the best tools for fraud prevention is to let employees know that false claims will not be tolerated and that penalties are stiff.

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Real or Fake? Finding Workers’ Comp Fraud

If an employer suspects an employee has attempted to create a fraudulent claim, there are several steps to follow up on right away.

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Insurance Thought Leadership (ITL) delivers engaging, informative articles from our global network of thought leaders and decision makers. Their insights are transforming the insurance and risk management marketplace through knowledge sharing, big ideas on a wide variety of topics, and lessons learned through real-life applications of innovative technology.

We also connect our network of authors and readers in ways that help them uncover opportunities and that lead to innovation and strategic advantage.

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